Our Common(s) Story

Eda Elif Tibet & İnanç Tekgüç
Dr. Eda Elif Tibet is a postdoctoral researcher at the Wyss Academy for Nature, working towards transdisciplinary research processes on Biodiversity Governance for Just Conservation. She is an award winning documentary filmmaker, as well as a visual and environmental anthropologist. She is the founder of KarmaMotion and EthnoKino and leads her own independent applied research initiative, Animating the Commons, hosted at the University of Bern, and works at the intersections of mobility justice, systems change and conservation.
Inanc is an award winning photographer & filmmaker, and a visual anthropologist. Biocultural diversity, community-based conservation and ethnographic documentation are among the topics that intrigue him.While partially based in Cyprus, he collaborates internationally with Conservation NGOs. Inanc is also part of a creative collective, Karma Motion, together with his friend and colleague, Eda Elif Tibet,