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Saturday 19 June | 14:00 - 16:15 | Kino in der Reitschule + ONLINE

Even After Death


Douglas F. Herman/Said Reza Hossini Adib | Poland/UK/Greece 2020 | OV English/Farsi/Greek (EN) | 55 min


Ever since the beginning of the refugee crisis in 2014, nearly 20 000 people have died crossing the Mediterranean sea as well as crossing the river Evros along the land border between Turkey and Greece. Most of the deceased have been found without documents, which makes identification extremely difficult, if possible at all. Even After Death presents the ways this problem is handled by coroners and forensic experts in different parts of Greece, and the movement to develop an internationally recognized system of human rights even after death. 

Even After Death has been made by refugees studying media production with ReFOCUS Media Labs on Lesvos, Greece. The program centers on developing modern media creation skills with a focus on photography, audio and video production and sound engineering to ensure refugees gain increased access to the tools, training, and experience necessary to pursue and secure employment. Created in 2018, the program has provided more than 100 refugee media artists with certificates in the photographic arts and audio-video production. 


The film screening will be followed by a talk with Refocus Media Labs (Reza Adib, Doug Herman and Sonia Nandzik)

More Infos:


ONLINE: Over the duration of the Festival 17-20 June it is possible to watch "Even After Death" also online and to follow the Q&A on Zoom (June 19, 15:00 - 16:00). Please write a Mail to


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Litchblick Kino

Kino Meiringen



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Kultur Stadt Bern

Swisslos Kultur Kanton Bern

Burgergemeinde Bern


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