Alexandra Gavilano
Firekeeper (World Ethic Forum)
Brief Bio:
Ale has been growing up between her two home countries Switzerland and Peru, and has dedicated her life to witness and protect the environment and all species living within it. Through her diverse activities in the past, coming from social empowerment theatre and street arts, to non-violent communication, facilitation and activism, she now works as an investigator to unveil environmental and specifically also animal welfare abuse and documents it with drones and hand held cameras. She also has been assigned as a member of the Advisory Committee of the UNPO (Unrepresented Nations, Peoples and Organizations) and is a Firekeeper at the World Ethic Forum. She believes that standing in global solidarity, knowing that we can create empathy and witness when we show the truth of those individuals and these contexts that no other lens has shown so far.
Project Abstract:
In this fellowship I aim to learn more about how to best document the work surrounding the environment and animal welfare, to strengthen the understanding on how stories can have the biggest impact and include this in my own work at the Tierschutzbund Zurich, but also in the future in my work for the members of the UNPO and other communities.
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