Claire Ozel
English teacher
Brief Bio:
Grew up in France, studied Genetics at Manchester. Tried various fields of work then moved to Türkiye over 30 years ago. Working as an English teacher, I collaborated with disabled students and established the first university disability unit (now compulsory at all Turkish universities). Founder member of Turkey’s first ecovillage, in Central Anatolia.
Project Abstract:
A video rendering of my 20 years at Güneşköy (others will have different views).
Claire's way of living is such an inspiration like a bee making honey out of every flower. In every relationship she makes with people, with plants, or with life itself contains value of the moment. She is like a spider building her net in life connecting many other things and transforming life into her wide house to live in. In this project, we want to share her way of living by telling the story of Güneşköy which is an ecovillage in Ankara and Claire is one of the founders of it, from Claire's perspective. The land is not a blank page but full of living creatures and their relations. How to see what is there, and how to give a value that is already there.
Link(s): over 100 blogs in English
A short video made by Duygu, My first step into video and film.