Duygu Bostancı
BA Industrial Design, METU
Brief Bio:
Duygu Bostancı is a storyteller/filmmaker who uses words, images, and body to express the meaning and sensation of the moment. Her perspective of filmmaking is to be sincere to that shared moment and transmit its story to others who can be inspired by it. The ways of relating and connecting with others catch her attention. She has been working on movement and body with the perspective of the Axis Syllabus for some years.
Project Abstract:
Claire's way of living is such an inspiration like a bee making honey out of every flower. In every relationship she makes with people, with plants, or with life itself contains value of the moment. She is like a spider building her net in life connecting many other things and transforming life into her wide house to live in. In this project, we want to share her way of living by telling the story of Güneşköy which is an ecovillage in Ankara and Claire is one of the founders of it, from Claire's perspective. The land is not a blank page but full of living creatures and their relations. How to see what is there, and how to give a value that is already there.
Website(s): https://duygubostanci.wordpress.com/
Link(s): https://vimeo.com/yazbostani
Social Media(s): @yazbostani